Page 3 - Hawaii Island MidWeek - May 19, 2021
P. 3

     Igrew up with the best grandmas, and some of my favorite memories of them involve their crafting hobbies. My maternal grandma liked crocheting and creating with yarn on plastic canvases. On my dad’s side, my grandma is a master quilter — serious- ly, she makes the most beau- tiful blankets for everyone! Even my mom knows her way around a sewing machine.
more apt to bunch when I pull the thread too hard.
fabric, and to sew the edges of my fabric in a zig-zag pattern to prevent fraying.
by Nicole Monton
Then, pick a pattern and accompanying thread colors — and get to work! Patterns come with a legend, which kind of makes it an adult col- or-by-numbers, and most pat- terns also have a visual how-to with the basics of stitching. I had to learn (the hard way) to start cross-stitching from the middle so I don’t run out of
A Stitch In Time Saves The Mind
share your patterns with me, shoot me an email or send me some snail mail. I’d love to try it out!
  You start with the fabric, like aida, evenweave or linen, to name a few. Aida is my fa- vorite because the wide weave is easier to see. Evenweave comes in at a close second, but linen is just too difficult for me because it’s much softer and
Those are free tips from someone who tried and failed horribly the first couple of times.
 I usually buy patterns or find free ones online, and the next step is making my own patterns. Admittedly, I’m not quite there yet.
However, if you want to
Is there something you think I should try? Send suggestions to
 Book Pick Of The Week
Honolulu author Lori Butierries recently came out with
Gift From God, a picture book illustrated by Nikolett Timar,
that details Butierries’ journey of parenting two children with
special needs. The former U.S. Navy hospital corpsman found
that resources for families with special needs children were
filled with medical jargon, and overwhelming statistics and
facts. This prompted her to write Gift From God, focusing on telling the story through her own loving words. Butierries hopes Gift From God will become a resource that physicians, nurses, counselors, social workers, educators, parents, churches and others can use to support families and children about disabilities. Find it on Amazon and for order where books are sold.
Carmen Campbell and Keti Kamalani tackle life after death in The Boys in the Water, a thrilling and suspenseful novel that aims to honor the men and women who serve in the armed forces. Though a work of fiction, The Boys
in the Water is inspired by true events on the island of O‘ahu. “Those who have read it tell us that the ending was not only heart wrenching but also very unexpected,” the authors share. “We felt this book raises questions that the people should be talking about and consider.”
Learn more about the book online at
  Thanks to these wonderful women in my life, I’m not bad when it comes to anything with yarn or string. My favorite hob- by — especially lately — has been cross-stitching.
There’s something so sat- isfying seeing the pattern come to colorful life, and the repetitive act of making those X-shaped stitches is soothing.
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When your guests visit, they always sing high praises for your house. In fact, one couple loves it so much that they’re emphatic about wanting first crack at if you ever decide to sell. Naturally, they are so impressed with the house that you don’t expect them to quibble about the price... that is, if you EVER decide to sell. You aren’t surprised. After all, you have put lots of love into your home and as farasyouareconcernedit’sperfect. Itshouldfetchtop dollar even in any market. Trust me, I know the entire
conversation by heart! Unfortunately, when the time comes to step up to the plate, most who expressed interest aren’t as sincere or
ascapableasthesellerhoped. With visionsofsavingcommissionsdancing intheirheads,sellersoftenwanttodelay
listing until the prospective buyers make
their final buying decision. Because this day may never come, it’s good to know there’s a reasonable solution that will allow the property to be listed while at thesametimepreservingtherighttoselltosomeone who expressed interest prior to listing. In other words,
there is a simple way to have the best of both worlds. After all, keeping the property off the market when you really need to sell isn’t the best way to move toward your selling goal. While our standard listing agreement isn’t structured to make such an accommodation, sellers can usually request that their agent include a specific prospect as an “exclusion” to the listing agreement. Simply insertingtheprospectnameasaspecialtermwhichnotes that “no commissions (or reduced commissions) will be due if sold to “x”, should be enough. But don’t expect the exclusion period to last forever. Because I start spending money the minute a listing is signed, I generally limit the exclusionperiodto60daysorless.Thisshouldbeample timeforapotentialbuyertodecideiftheywanttomove forward. Infact,knowingthepropertyislistedonthe open market should actually motivate them to perform. Also, a notation should be made in the Multiple Listing Service that parties are excluded on the listing agreement. Cooperating agents should know that commissions won’t bepaidfordesignatedbuyers. Afterall,your“friend”is probably looking at other properties with an agent while
they are considering yours. But here’s the thing. Even (or especially) in today’s market, finding the buyer is still the easy part. The things that must happen to hold a transaction together once a buyer decides to commit have certainly not gotten easier. Loans have gotten so complicated that choosing the proper loan program and lender from the get-go could make or break to the transaction. Even cash purchases can have major challenges. The thing is that when roadblocks appear, sellers don’t hesitate to call their agents for advice. They forget that answering seemingly innocent questions could establish an agency issue and create liabilityfortheagent.Agentsmustbeverycautious abouthowinvolvedtheybecomewhentheyrepresent neitherbuyernorseller.Still,excludingspecificbuyers is the most reasonable way to begin marketing the home while waiting for them to make their purchasing decision. After all, if the property is not on the market, your friend is basically the only one who CAN buy your house...nooneelsewillevenknowyoudecidedtosell! Blog forward each week at
    Kaloli Point Lot
Level lot, ready for your dream home!
Sunny 1/2 Acre, 21,780sf A-1A Zoned Paved road access.
   MLS #649318 $86K
New Listing!

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