Page 5 - Hawaii Island MidWeek - Aug 4 2021
P. 5

AUGUST 4, 2021
   Technology is more commonplace now than ever before, and most children have some sort of smart device with them at all times. That ease of con- nectivity is great for staying in touch with loved ones, but also provides strangers with potential access, even from afar.
“Especially during the pandemic, we heard stories from all around the country of predators contacting chil- dren through the computer or phone,” recalls Amanda
Leonard, coordinator for the state Department of the Attorney General’s Missing Child Center-Hawai‘i.
She, along with assistant coordinator Kaleilani Grant, encourage parents to also protect their children from strangers in the virtual sphere.
“Some parents aren’t informed of how to even utilize social media and on- line platforms,” Grant says. “But that is how strangers also approach children and try to connect with them.”
 For resources on online safety, visit
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  ground to cover and so many moving parts, being able to work together is paramount.
“Our individual strengths contribute to this team, and we are able to have this con- sistent rhythm in our work to be able to balance it all,” says Grant.
Leonard got her start in the field as a volunteer at Children’s Justice Center of O‘ahu. After graduating from University of Hawai‘i Wil- liam S. Richardson School of Law in 2011, she clerked for judges at family court, and after that worked at bou- tique family law firm Hartley & McGehee LLP in Kailua as an associate attorney.
“My background is pri- marily in family law, which is definitely useful in this position, working parental or family abduction cases and supporting parents in crisis,” explains Leonard, a Kailua resident who graduated from Kalāheo High.
State Department of the Attorney General’s Missing Child Center-Hawai‘i assistant coordinator Kaleilani Grant (seated) and coordinator Amanda Leonard work tirelessly to keep keiki in the community safe.
 Grant started with Miss- ing Child Center-Hawai‘i in 2018, shortly after Leonard, when the assistant coordina- tor position opened up. As a survivor of the sex trafficking trade, it’s important for her to make sure no other children experience what she has.
ues. “We want to prevent any hardship from happening.”
responsibility. For myself and Amanda, this is just who we are, looking out for the keiki of our state, caring for the well-being of families.”
“If you prevent a child from running away, you can prevent them from being vic- tims of crime,” says Leonard. “Sometimes we go and speak at events; we do a lot of train- ings with law enforcement and families. We find that to be a very important use of our limited time when we do have to step away from our caseload.
     “It’s been over a decade that I’ve been working in the anti-human trafficking field,” says Grant, who grew up in ‘Aiea and attended Lanakila Baptist School. “For myself, it is so important for me to continue in the work that I do. My message is to give hope.
“People think that it can’t happen here,” Grant says. “They put it out of their minds, they think that Ha- wai‘i is excluded.”
“That’s perfectly said,” Leonard chimes in. “It’s more than a job to us. It’s really who we are and how we want to use our expertise and our skills for the benefit of other parents and the ben- efit of children.”
The hardship she speaks of is often not thought of as common in Hawai‘i.
                              But that’s not necessarily true. Thankfully, stranger ab- ductions are rare in the state, but family/parent abductions are common in the 808. And that’s the message Missing Child Center-Hawai‘i wants to get out to the community: Be proactive and aware.
So, while their caseloads are crazy — there are thou- sands of reports of endan- gered runaways a year that could potentially be a “must respond” for Leonard and Grant — it’s equally as im- portant for them and Missing Child Center-Hawai‘i to focus on prevention and education.
“This is not a law en- forcement problem — this is a community problem. We need to continually raise awareness and educate par- ents because the folks that are most able to protect kids are their own parents.”
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                                   “People ask all the time, ‘How can you do this type of work? It’s so depressing because of some of the sto- ries.’ But, really, that’s what keeps us going,” she contin-
“Yes, this can happen and it does,” Grant continues. “As we talk about Hawai‘i, having it be our kuleana, our
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