Page 9 - Hawaii Island MIdWeek - Feb 24, 2021
P. 9
Edner Flores, 34, en- tered a PNC Bank branch in Chicago’s Humboldt Park neighbor- hood on Jan. 27 and alleged- ly tried to rob it by handing a teller a note stating that he wanted $10,000, with “no die (sic) packs,” and that he was armed, according to a federal criminal complaint.
The Case Of The Helpful, Half-witted Robber
While activating a silent alarm, the teller asked the man to fill out a blue with- drawal slip, which he did, then asked for his ATM card. The helpful Flores instead produced a temporary Illinois state ID card, authorities said.
still at the window, arrested him and found a knife in his jacket, according to a police report.
Previous Groundhog Day celebrations at the zoo have also raised a ruckus. In 2014, a stand-in groundhog named Charlotte died after being dropped by Mayor Bill de Blasio, and in 2009 Chuck bit Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s finger.
the square-shaped dung. “This ability ... is unique in the animal kingdom,” Carver said. “Our research found that ... you really can fit a square
WMAQ-TV reported po- lice arrived while Flores was
Gym Rat
Researchers have solved the mystery of how bare- nosed wombats, native to southeastern Australia, pro-
Send your weird news items with subject line WEIRD NEWS to weirdnewstips@
In other Weird reports:
The Staten Island Zoo is weathering a storm of con- troversy over the prediction made by its resident ground- hog, Staten Island Chuck, on Feb. 2 — an annual event at the zoo. Chuck popped up on a Facebook “livestream” at the designated hour, on the designated day, but some- thing seemed off. After hours of accumulating snow in the New York area, New York Post reported, Chuck emerged into bright sunlight with no snow on the ground, his handlers wearing sweat- shirts.
“So there ya have it, folks, we’ re gonna have an early spring,” announced zoo ex- ecutive director Ken Mitch- ell.
ness in Stafford, Virginia, were unhurt on Jan. 30 when Brian Anthony Joe, 41, fell through the ceiling, accord- ing to the Stafford County Sheriff’s Office, landing on one of them.
duce poop in cubes, reports International Business Times. Wildlife ecologist Scott Carver of University of Tas- mania is lead author on a study, published Jan. 28 in the journal Soft Matter, that details the particular inner workings of the wombat’s digestive tract that produce
Viewers weren’t fooled, with one commenting, “Welppp this isn’t live.”
Joe, who fell about 10 feet, the sheriff said, was also un- injured, and New York Post reported the women held him there in the locker room until authorities arrived to arrest him on charges of burglary, vandalism and peeping.
Women changing in the locker room at Onelife Fit-
Totally Cubular
peg through a round hole.”
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