Page 5 - Hawaii Island MidWeek - March 10, 2021
P. 5
Digital Broadcasters Help Keep Hawai‘i Informed
social media is ubiquitous. “What makes Star-Adver- tiser stand out and so incredi- ble is that it’s been around for so long,” shares Cayabyab, a Kaua‘i girl and Kamehameha Schools graduate. “They’re doing a great job of putting our sports, news and enter- tainment up through digital platforms because they have such a huge following. And, social media has become a huge thing in everyone’s
MARCH 10, 2021
thousands of viewers every week.
For now, Cayabyab and
Cayabyab, formerly with ABC7, Fox Sports and NFL Sunday, breaks down about five news stories each weekday at 3 p.m. on Star News Live, giving specta- tors a quick look into the top articles from Honolulu Star-Advertiser’s website. The paper’s editors ensure each piece of information re- mains credible, accurate and fair — further perpetuating the media company’s dedi- cation to ethical journalism.
a purpose for doing it.”
The same goes for Ow- ens, whose larger-than-life personality lends itself to an engaging program three
Owens are working from home to uphold social dis- tancing measures — mak- ing good use of Honolulu Star-Advertiser’s digital platform process by turning their humble abodes into stu- dios that reach thousands and
“Everyone is on social media now,” says Cayabyab. “When they see these short videos or news segments, it’s efficient and also easier to watch.
times a week.
“The CO2 RUN DWN con-
(Top left and above) Chad Owens hosts The CO2 RUN DWN at 1 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. SCREENSHOT COURTESY HONOLULU STARADVERTISER
Catch Cayabyab on Star News Live at 3 pm. Mon- days-Fridays, and tune in for Owens’ The CO2 RUN DWN at 1 p.m. Mondays, Wednes- days and Fridays.
Find it all on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter (@staradvertiser).
ceptually is a news show bringing the viewers nation- wide sports in a cool and fun way with me being me, which is high-energy, funny, positive and experienced,” shares Owens, a former Uni- versity of Hawai‘i football standout and Canadian Foot- ball League great. “We want- ed to have more fun with it and bring a different energy to the delivery of it. Expect sports story highlights from
(Top left and above) Kiana Cayabyab hosts Star News Live at 3 p.m. Mondays-Fridays. SCREENSHOT COURTESY HONOLULU STARADVERTISER
local and national teams, as well as interviews with the state’s stellar athletes — and even some notable pros like former NBA player Matt Barnes.
and Hali‘a Parish.
“I think it’s a great idea for
“I get to do what I love,” adds the digital news specialist. “Not only do I feel like I’ m do- ing something with my platforms, but I’ m also doing something for the state. That’s what makes me feel good about my day; I’m posting but I also have
“My background as a pro athlete pretty much is the background of this show,” he adds. “Being in the lock- er rooms, on the road, in the huddle, it’s invaluable expe- rience that you just can’t get every day.”
them to expand into the dig- ital platforms,” says Owens. “It’s where most people live today. But print media still has its places and people, but they are on trend and making the right moves.”
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has been an innovator in the new media for quite some time, launching TV show and podcast It’s a Hawai‘i Thing with hosts Lanai Tabu- ra and Brook Lee in June 2020, followed by Spotlight Hawai‘i and COVID-19 Care Conversation — both featuring moderators Yun- ji de Nies and Ryan Kalei Tsuji — shortly thereafter. It’s also added to its cadre of content with Hawaiian culture program Cultur- ised Podcast featuring host Makani Tabura, and Wine & ... with advanced sommelier Chris Ramelb, Moani Hara
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